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Maintain Your Work Motivation During the Summer Months

Summer is finally here, and in most areas, we’re already basking in warmer and sunnier weather!

For many of us, summer is the perfect season, with its bright mornings and warm days that linger late into the evening. However, events, holidays, and long weekends can sometimes dampen our motivation for work, especially if we’re working from home, contemplating the sunny outdoors.

It’s only natural to find ourselves daydreaming of past and upcoming holidays. This very inclination contributes to the reason summers are the slowest time of the year for most businesses.


How To Stay Motivated At Work During Summer

Still, staying motivated across the season doesn’t have to be difficult – here are our 9 favourite tricks for staying focused during the warmer months:


  1. Set Summer Goals

If you find yourself easily distracted during this time of year, why not set some summer work goals for yourself? Take advantage of your off-peak work times to catch up on those side projects that you’re usually too busy to tackle.

Throughout the year, we are likely to push certain tasks aside because they aren’t high-priority – the nice-to-haves, not the must-dos. It could be employee or management training, a charity program, or even something more creative, like brainstorming new ideas for the company’s website or social media pages.

As it’s commonly easier to find time in the summer compared to other seasons, it makes it a great occasion to pursue such projects. Not only will this help you stay motivated and focused at work, but it will also showcase your drive and contribute to your career progression.


2. Get Out and Enjoy the Sunshine

In some countries, summer days can be few and far between, so make the most of them when they come along. Step away from your desk and venture into your garden, balcony, or take a refreshing walk around the city while enjoying a good ice cream.

It’s no secret that being physically active is closely linked to improving mental health and overall well-being, so sitting in your chair all day won’t do you any favours. If you’re up for it, go for a walk or a jog. You’ll soak up some fresh air and sunshine, returning to the office (or home office) feeling happier and more invigorated.

summer working


3. Plan a Vacation

Staying motivated at work and planning a vacation can seem like a contradiction, but studies have shown that people who take time away from work are ultimately more productive. And of course, we all know that having something to look forward to makes work feel a little easier.

Don’t let yourself think you’re too busy to take time off. Although you may feel like the glue that holds everything together, as long as you’ve prepared your team and clients for your time off, there shouldn’t be any major issues.

And when you return from your holidays, be sure to thank those who managed things in your absence – the value of showing appreciation and gratitude cannot be overstated.


4. Have Fun at Work

Fun and work in the same sentence? Can it be true? Believe it or not, it’s possible to have fun at work! Summer is a perfect setting to boost morale, and it offers employers an opportunity to gear up their workplace engagement efforts.

Consider the idea of setting up or helping organize some company events. For those working from home, this could include online lunches or ice cream breaks, quizzes, and games (a round of musical bingo on a team video call is great fun) that allow everyone to take a break and get to know each other outside of the work environment.


5. Embrace Flexible Working Hours

Many companies offer flexible working hours during the summer. If this is an option, take advantage of it. Start your workday earlier or later to avoid the hottest part of the day, allowing you to enjoy some personal time when the weather is best. Flexible hours can help you maintain a work-life balance, reducing stress and increasing motivation.


6. Refresh Your Workspace

A change in your work environment can be refreshing and motivating. Add some summer-themed decorations, plants, or even a new desk setup. A vibrant and inviting workspace can boost your mood and productivity.


7. Engage in Professional Development

Summer can be an ideal time to focus on professional development. Enrol in online courses, attend webinars, or read books related to your field. Learning new skills and knowledge can keep you motivated and inspired, showing your commitment to personal growth.


8. Collaborate on Team Projects

Team projects can be more enjoyable and engaging during the summer. Collaborate with colleagues on creative or challenging projects that excite you. Working together can foster a sense of camaraderie and keep you motivated through shared goals and achievements.


9. Celebrate Small Wins

Acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small. Whether it’s completing a project, meeting a deadline, or learning a new skill, recognising your achievements can boost your motivation and confidence. Consider having small celebrations or rewards for yourself and your team to maintain a positive and motivating work environment.


By implementing these strategies, you can stay motivated and productive during the summer months, ensuring a balance between work and personal enjoyment.

Summer is beloved among many, and it’s no wonder why! But here’s a thought: why not make it your favourite time of the year at work too?

Tackle those cool projects you’ve been itching to dive into, enjoy the lighter and more relaxed atmosphere in the office (or wherever you work) and take a chance to strengthen team bonds. In the meantime, don’t forget to make the best of those precious long evenings with your loved ones.

Roll on the next few months!


About Allen Recruitment

Allen Recruitment is an international recruitment consultancy with offices in Ireland, the UK, the Netherlands, Spain, France, Sweden, Belgium and Poland, providing recruitment solutions and job opportunities all over Europe. We have great experience in placing candidates in the right roles for some of Europe’s largest brands, especially in executive search and with our new Embedded Recruitment solution as an RPO service. 


Posted in: Blog / Career Resources

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