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How long is too long at one job?

After a certain amount of time, you can start to wonder if staying at your current job is working for or against your favour. Is it time for a change? 


Is It Good Or Bad To Stay In The Same Job For A Long Time?

While job loyalty can be a valuable trait, there comes a time when lingering too long in the same job can hinder your career growth and limit your opportunities. Job-hopping isn’t a good idea, but there’s a difference between that and strategically moving your career along.  

Gone are the days of employees staying at the same company in the same position for decades. The culture of the times has changed, and you’d better be ready to change right along with it.   

So, how long is too long in the same job? The answer depends on various factors, including your personal and professional goals.  

If you find yourself at the same job, doing the same routine for an extended period, you’re at a risk. Because of the extensive use of technology, changes happen frequently and fast in the business world. If you’re not up to date on what’s new, you’ll quickly find yourself outdated and irrelevant.  

The truth is, after you’ve been at the same job for a while, you lose your ‘new’ factor. Though you may be performing optimally, the new faces may get more attention and promotions from your managers.  

Whether you are feeling stuck in your current role or just curious about the benefits of changing jobs, let’s navigate a few factors that could help you move forward. 

working at same job


How Long Is Too Long At One Job?  

Most people agree that five years is the max amount of time you want to stay in the same job at your company.

Of course, this answer changes depending on your pre-established career arc and the promotions within your company. For example, accountants or lawyers could have a very clear path within one organisation, but others, such as creative jobs, need to show more variety in their career path.  


When Should You Change Jobs?

Ask yourself these questions to evaluate if you need to start moving on: 

  • Are you keeping up and learning as much as you would in a new job? 
  • Is your salary stagnating? Would you be able to significantly improve your salary by moving? 
  • Are you moving up in the company, changing your responsibilities & role sufficiently to challenge you and demonstrate your adaptability? 
  • Are you unhappy but scared of change? 

One of the biggest reasons to change jobs is if you feel like you’re no longer growing and developing in your current role. If you’re not being challenged or given new opportunities to learn, you may start to feel stagnant in your career. This can lead to a lack of motivation and job satisfaction and ultimately hinder your career progress. 

At the same time, if you feel like you’re not being fairly compensated for your work, it’s time to take a closer look at your current job. While money shouldn’t be the only factor in your decision to change jobs, it is an important consideration. 

In short, if you feel like you’ve hit a wall in your current role or if you’re being underpaid and not given the benefits you deserve, it may be time to explore other opportunities. 

Like above, becoming irrelevant or out of date at a job is very dangerous. There are always new ways of doing things and new technologies to consider. If you’re not keeping up with those, then you’ll quickly fall behind.  

This also impacts how others view you. If you stay at a job for too long without a promotion, then your employer may come under the false belief that you are content with the job you have.  

A common reason for staying with a company is the money. The chance for a raise or a bonus can be an incentive. However, when compared with the ability to negotiate your salary and a chance at a different company for continued promotions, this fails to be a good reason to stay.  

Finally, staying at a company too long can kill your career advancement. If you want to continue advancing in your career, and your company doesn’t provide for that, then you need to move on. Don’t lose sight of your goals. If your goals change, that’s fine. But if you still feel that drive to keep moving forward, then you’ll need to start looking.  

years going by


Have You Decided To Make A Change? 

Knowing when to leave your current job takes strategy and careful planning and thought. You don’t want to leave too soon, but you don’t want to leave too late, either. Keep on the lookout for what you want to do next and get in touch with recruitment agencies and headhunters to talk through your options. As well as this, you’ll want to be tuned in to your company’s capability for promotion, so keep the conversation flowing with your managers.  

Re-entering the job market after leaving a job can seem daunting, but it’s essential to keep a positive mindset. Here are a few tips to help you get started: 

  • Update your resume: Make sure your resume is up-to-date and accurately reflects your skills, experience, and achievements. This is your first opportunity to make a good impression on potential employers, so take the time to craft a clear and compelling resume that highlights your strengths. 
  • Network: Reach out to your professional contacts and let them know that you’re on the job market. Attend industry events, join professional associations, reach out to recruitment agencies, and connect with people on social media to expand your network. You never know when a connection might lead to a job opportunity. 
  • Research companies: Take the time to research companies that interest you and learn as much as you can about their culture, values, and mission. This will help you identify companies that are a good fit for your skills and experience and can help you tailor your application and interview responses accordingly. 
  • Practice your interviewing skills: If you haven’t interviewed in a while, it can be helpful to practice your interviewing skills with a friend or mentor. This can help you feel more confident and comfortable in the interview setting and help you identify areas where you might need to improve. 

Once you’ve moved to the next step and started the interview process, addressing tenure can be a sensitive topic. When discussing your past tenure, don’t dwell on it for too long. Make sure you showcase the value of your experience and highlight the skills and knowledge you gained during your time at your previous job. Emphasise how you can use your experience to add value to the new role and the company, as well as your excitement about the new opportunity and how you can contribute to the team. 


About Allen Recruitment

We are a team of expert recruitment consultants with offices in Ireland, the UK, the Netherlands, Spain, France, Sweden, Belgium and Poland, providing recruitment solutions and job opportunities all over Europe. We offer temporary, permanent, contract and contingency roles in a variety of industries such as IT, Tech, Finance, Telecom, E-commerce, Engineering and more.



Posted in: Job Seeking Resources

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