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How To Highlight Experience On CV

Being employed for an extended period of time is a good thing. However, you want to avoid appearing out-of-touch or old on your CV. Instead, learn how to highlight experience on your CV, and turn it into a huge benefit to the company you’re applying at now.


How Do You Enrich Your CV

Here are five ways you can boost your resume by highlighting experience and accomplishments:


1. List Your Ongoing Professional Education

A concern that employers have about employees who have worked at the same company for many years is that they don’t continue to learn. Avoid becoming stagnate at all costs.

Hopefully, that’s been your goal. List a continued learning or continued education section on your CV. If you were able to go back to school or continue taking classes and earned another degree or certificate, highlight that.

Take advantage of your employer’s offer of continuous learning and, if that’s not provided, consider free learning tools online or go with the added expense and pay for added learning yourself.


2. How To Show Promotions On CV?

Though you’ve been with the same company for some time, you probably haven’t been in the same position for the duration of your stay. Don’t make the mistake of squeezing all your positions into one on your resume.

List promotions by breaking up your time at companies with different headings for your different promoted titles and extended responsibilities.

Show how your company trusted you by promotion or added tasks. This can show how your company valued you, and also any ways you may have worked in a diversified manner.

people in a meeting


3. List Your Accomplishments And Work Experiences

Don’t just stop at describing what your positions were like. Did you help your company pull through a dry spell? Be able to describe that, preferably with solid numbers to back up your claim. If you received special recognition or a reward this would be a good place to mention that too.

Don’t just say what you did at your job, describe what you were able to achieve and how that was beneficial to your former employer.


4. Eliminate Irrelevant Information

Industries are constantly changing, which is good – that’s probably why you’re looking for a new job. Remember that the skills you started off with are probably different from what you have now. Don’t get stuck in the past with irrelevant skills, instead, check out job postings and see what skills are listed there. If one of yours isn’t, then that ability is probably no longer needed, draw attention to your other pertinent abilities instead.


5. Play to Your Strengths

You’ve been in the workforce for a long time at one specific job, and that shows commitment and loyalty. Be willing to display that in your resume. Finding new employees, training them, and dealing with the constant flux that is employment these days is costly to a company. Show that you’re a long-haul employee who knows what it means to stick with it through both the lean and good years.

Don’t let your long job history be a drawback. When you update your CV, draw attention to all the benefits that you bring to a company. Experience is an advantage, play to that as you submit your resume and attend interviews.


About Allen Recruitment

Allen Recruitment Consulting is an international recruitment consultancy business with offices in Ireland, the UK, the Netherlands, Spain, France, Sweden, Belgium and Poland. A full-service recruitment consultancy offering temporary, permanent, contract and contingency roles in a variety of industries such as IT, Tech, Finance, Telecom, E-commerce, Engineering and more.


Posted in: Job Seeking Resources

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