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Zoe Boyd

Why Embedded Recruitment Is Better Than Traditional Recruiting

Traditional recruitment has worked the same way for a long time. A client comes to a recruitment agency with a list of requirements for a role, and the agency searches for talented candidates. They come back to the client with either a candidate for the role or a shortlist of candidates for interview.

This is often a fantastic way for companies to make the most of the skills and knowledge of recruiters in the short term. However, it is not a one-size-fits-all solution.

There are plenty of organisations that simply don’t work that way. For these businesses, embedded recruitment can be a great option.


What Is Embedded Recruitment?

Rather than relying on a recruitment agency as and when you need one, embedded recruitment lets you take a team of elite recruiters and place them within your company. You can get all the benefits of their expertise, knowledge and tech while also having full control and oversight over the recruitment process.

Not convinced? Here are a few of the benefits of embedded recruitment.


Embedded Recruitment Advantages:

1. Candidates that match your company culture

One of the most common requests recruiters hear is for a candidate who fits in with the client’s company culture.

You want new hires who will fit in with your team, as this will both minimise the chances of interpersonal conflict and improve talent retention. However, this is a difficult metric for a recruiter to measure candidates on if they don’t have any experience in your company.

A client can tell their recruiter that their company culture is vibrant, motivated and welcoming, but this is no replacement for actually experiencing it.

An embedded recruiter, on the other hand, will be as much a part of your company as anyone else. They will be a part of your culture, and will be able to tell at a glance whether or not a candidate will be a good fit.

This is surprisingly important to recruitment.

There are all sorts of nuances in every business that fall under the umbrella of “company culture”, from team dynamics to the cultural role each position is expected to play.

A dysfunctional business culture will lead to an inefficient organisation, so new hires should be considered with this in mind.


2. Develop an employer brand

All businesses have an employer brand, even those that don’t know they do. Your employer brand is how your organisation comes across to potential employees, and how you differentiate yourself from all the other businesses vying for talent.

A strong brand will help you stand out in a potentially crowded job market, so it’s something you should be looking to cultivate.

If you use traditional recruitment, half of your employer brand is going to be dictated by the agency you employ.

Everything from your job ads to your interviews might be handled by an agency with its own brand as a recruiter, and even if that brand is excellent it will still be disconnected from your company’s.

An embedded recruitment team can make sure every step of the hiring process gets your employer brand across, and allows you to develop a reputation as an employer that gives you a better chance of securing the most talented candidates.


3. Improved candidate experience

Traditional recruiters do a fantastic job of making the hiring process go smoothly for candidates. However, the candidate experience is always going to be affected by the change from dealing with a recruiter to dealing with their new employer. Rather than the people they have been talking to throughout the application and interview process, new hires will be introduced to a wide range of new names and faces.

This is a big benefit of moving recruitment in-house; however, by doing this you will no longer be able to access the expertise of professional recruiters. Embedded recruitment gives you the best of both worlds. You will still be able to access all the skills and tech of elite recruiters, but will be able to ensure candidates have continuity and improve their experience.


4. Tailored recruitment process

All this is made possible by the fact that embedded recruitment gives you full control over your recruitment process, from start to finish. Rather than handing it over to a third party, you are able to utilise whatever methods you want to try in order to source the talent that best fits your needs.

This means you can incorporate specific exams, personality tests, work placements and more into your recruitment process, should you want to. Your embedded recruitment team will be able to advise you to ensure these steps meet your recruitment goals, then implement them for you. You will be able to create the recruitment process that provides your company with candidates that are a perfect match.


5. A controlled talent pool

One of the key aspects of effective recruitment is a good talent pool. This term refers to all the candidates who have the skills and/or experience to work with you, and it is ever-evolving. Being able to keep track of your talent pool makes recruitment more efficient and effective, and it is possible through an embedded team of recruiters.

With embedded recruitment, you could potentially have a talent pool full of every candidate you might hire in the next six months at your fingertips. Your embedded recruitment team can map out all the candidates that have the right skills, qualifications and experience and keep track of them, so when it’s time to hire you can get in touch with them straight away.


Final Words

Embedded recruitment lets you access all the advantages of recruiting in-house while still tapping into the specialist knowledge that professional recruiters have access to.

With Allen Embedded, you can embed a team into your company for a single project, a set period, or permanently; it all depends on your needs and is flexible to meet your requirements. Why not get in touch and see how we can help you?


Posted in: Allen Embedded / Blog / Client

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