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The future of recruitment, now

Hiring people can be quicker, easier and more effective; we’ve achieved all three. Let’s bring your recruitment into the future.
Our cutting-edge tech lets us interact with 30,000 candidates each month, so you don’t have to.

We’ve rewritten the rules of recruitment. Shrinking talent pools, bias and time-consuming searches have been problems for recruiters for years, so we’ve tackled them head-on with an innovative approach.

Rather than a 360 recruitment approach, we use specialists who excel at every step of the process. Our search specialists use AI and machine learning to understand where to find the candidates that meet your needs across international databases. Our expert recruiters take the time to understand your exact needs so we can create a shortlist of people who fit your job and culture, saving you time and effort while ensuring you only see the most appropriate candidates.

  • 70% of candidates engage with our recruiters.
  • Over a third of candidates end up talking to us about job opportunities.
  • We narrow that longlist down for you, meaning you’ll only talk to a quarter of the candidates we do.
  • Around two thirds of candidates we send to our clients get selected for interview.

Our expert methods provide our clients with reduced time to hire, better quality of candidates and more roles filled overall.
Find out how your recruitment could be quicker and easier.

What do we do?

The way we recruit is not what you might expect. We’ve rewritten the rulebook and taken a tech-powered, people-first expert approach that finds candidates that are the perfect fit for you.

Here’s how it works:

Working with our clients, we spend time uncovering exactly what each role needs, from qualifications to personality. Our expert search specialists then use our AI-powered search engine to look for these job requirements without any bias or prejudice coming into play.

Our machine-learning-powered search looks through over 200 international job boards and databases to find every viable candidate, even if they’re not actively searching for a job. Shrinking talent pools are no longer a problem when technology allows us to be this thorough.

Contacting every candidate can be time-consuming and greatly increase your time-to-hire. That’s why we’ve automated the process. Our software contacts each candidate up to seven times within five days, and allows them to book in a chat with one of our recruiters, streamlining the whole process.

That frees up our recruiters to focus on what really matters: making sure candidates are the right fit for our clients. Our highly trained and skilled candidate screeners establish if the candidate can do your role, will interview well and will accept an offer from you should one be made.

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We can also make sure the candidate experience is as positive as possible, with time dedicated to keeping them in the loop and making sure they are a good fit with our clients’ culture. We make sure to understand if each candidate is motivated to move roles and is really interested in your company. By understanding their motivations we can ensure we can secure the best talent for you.

See how we can help elevate your recruitment.

Our services


We’ve completely rewritten how recruitment is done to make it quicker, easier and more effective for you. We’ll find you the best candidates possible, no matter where they are located or if they are actively job hunting. Our machine-learning-powered tech lets us easily narrow down the top talent without bias, leaving you with only the most relevant options.

We’ll work with you from the start of your recruitment process, taking the time to truly understand the requirements of your job, so we can make sure the candidates we select are the best possible fit for you. Our cutting-edge booking tech means we can dedicate our time to in-depth interviews, so we don’t recommend anyone to you unless we’re absolutely certain they’re a right fit for the role and your organisation.

We can provide you with staff whether you need permanent, contingent, contract or temporary employees. If you want to see how we can take on your recruitment, all you need to do is get in touch.

Our other services

If our Agency service isn’t right for you, we’ve got a whole range of other options that give you access to our technology and expertise. Here are the other services you can choose from:

Allen Senior Appointments

Using retained search and extensive market analysis, we can find the most suitable senior leadership candidates for your organisation. From initial longlisting all the way through to offer negotiation and onboarding, we will have a dedicated team working exclusively on finding the perfect fit for your senior role.

Allen Outsource

Big projects require specialised teams and specialist recruiters. Rather than taking it in-house, you can leave everything to us. Whether it’s a team of two or 50, we’ll hire, onboard, manage and offboard them for a fixed monthly fee so you only need to be concerned about the quality of the service.

Allen Embedded

For an in-house solution, we can embed our specialist recruiters within your organisation so you can access our expertise. Whether we’re assessing your technology, analysing your market or simply executing your recruitment strategy, we will deliver consistent wins and a steady flow of talented candidates.

Our specialist sectors

We specialise in recruiting for engineering, life sciences, IT and finance companies. We can help you find any roles you need, so get in touch here to find out how we can help. Some of our previous clients include:


Accounting & Finance





Life Sciences

Our Locations

Get in touch to unlock your recruitment potential.

You’re only a step away from accessing our expertise and supercharging your job ads. Contact us here to find out more.

Allen Recruitment Image Of People Searching For Executive Hires